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General Conference

By Sarah Weiser - | Apr 14, 2013

Before moving to Provo, I didn’t know much about the LDS Church. In fact, growing up in a pretty non-religious household, I didn’t know much about any church. Last week, though, I had the opportunity to shoot the General Conference up in Salt Lake City, and I feel grateful to the people I talked to in Temple Square for letting me share their experience with them. Getting the chance to be inside during the Conference was pretty great too.

In this photo, a father and son, Sergio and Emilio Silva, listen to the conference broadcasted over loudspeakers outside. I caught this moment between them before they noticed me there, and after I went up to them and we started talking, I learned they came for the conference all the way from their home in Sweden.

I was told that 20,000 to 30,000 people fit inside the Conference Center for each session. And outside, many more gather in Temple Square and the surrounding areas. For me, the most interesting part was being in Salt Lake City, the epicenter of it all, during the conference. Pretty cool to see all these crowds of people, from Salt Lake, but also Utah in general, and around the country, and the world, coming together in the space of a few city blocks.


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