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Stiehm: Clouds clear for Harris

After a fierce rainstorm, the light shone on the Capitol dome like a city on a hill. The House of Representatives was returning at that moment Monday to an utterly changed reality. The day before, an ailing President Joe Biden withdrew from his race for reelection. The old chieftain, 81, was ...

De Rugy: What a real ‘pro-worker’ GOP would look like

Members of the new right wing of the Republican Party have proclaimed themselves the champions of the working class. I am sure they mean it, despite many of them being among the elite of the elite. And because so many are lawyers — including those like VP nominee J.D. Vance who come from ...

Erickson: Never confuse incompetence for malice

A man can sleep better at night thinking evil men in charge have a plan than realizing incompetent idiots with no plan are in charge. Many Americans have resorted to conspiracy theories because they will not process that idiots are in charge in a confluence of random events who make matters ...

Barone: Echoes of history in this year’s campaign

For those of a certain age, or with more than a woke education, the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump brings back echoes of history. Not exactly the history of the abysmal political year of 1968, which saw the murders of Martin Luther King Jr., 39, and Robert F. Kennedy, ...