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Letter: An open letter to Gov. Cox about climate change

Dear Governor Cox, You will get to grow old; I will not. The next 25 years will be the most important period in human history. Climate change is already impacting Utah—hazy, polluted air is evident. It’s a poison that worsens daily. On unbearably hot days, with a haze so thick you can’t ...

Letter: Mental health resources desperately needed in schools

As we witness a surge in anxiety and depression among our youth, it is imperative that we take immediate action to expand mental health services in our public schools. Recent studies have shown a significant increase in anxiety and depression among children and adolescents, exacerbated by the ...

Letter: Where’s the Utah County DA when we really need him?

Utah County residents may be feeling voters’ remorse when it comes to Jeff Gray, the new Utah County District Attorney. While he campaigned on a platform of law and order and being tough on crime, it seems that there is one type of crime he refuses to prosecute: government corruption. In ...

Letter: Looking for candidates who will work together for all

To All 2024 Candidates: I am one of the “moderate voters” that campaigns are so eager to win over and to have us vote for them. On some issues, I lean conservative, and on others, I lean progressive. I study the issues, read up on the candidates, and vote for those who best represent what ...

Letter: From Iran to the US, the fight for reproductive freedom must continue

As an Iranian American woman who immigrated to the United States in search of freedom over my body, rights, and voice, I am deeply troubled by the current state of reproductive rights in both Iran and the United States. In November 2021, Iran's government passed the "Population Rejuvenation and ...

Letter: Utah’s caucus system has been hijacked by the far right

I would like to challenge Chris Null’s assertion in his column of June 13 that the caucus and convention system is more representative of Utah’s Republicans than the signature-gathering process. There is a reason that the Utah legislature passed the signature bill. It is because the caucus ...