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Layin’ It on the Line: You should be getting the most from your 401(k)

2025 exclusions and catch-up provisions

By Lyle Boss - Special to the Daily Herald | Feb 1, 2025

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Lyle Boss

Retirement planning is like a house: You have to have the foundation and the tools to build something durable and strong. For a lot of people, a 401(k) is one of those instruments. With new contribution limits and larger catch-up provisions in 2025, now is the time to bolster your financial stability. Let’s break it down and find out how you can get the most out of your 401(k).

What’s new in 2025?

First, the basics. Limits on 401(k) contributions are updated annually by the IRS, as they adjust for inflation. The baseline contribution threshold is set to increase to $23,000 for workers under 50 in 2025. Catch-up contributions, which give you the extra boost of putting even more into your fund, come in handy if you’re 50 or over.

The SECURE 2.0 Act sweetens the pot for people 60-63 years old. Then, starting in 2025, you can give back $10,000 more a year, inflation-adjusted. That’s an upgrade for anyone looking to supplement their pension fund at the last minute.

Why catch-up contributions matter

To be fair, sometimes life doesn’t go to plan. Maybe you took a pay cut to have a family, or were stung with a medical bill, or just didn’t save enough for retirement when you were younger. Catch-up gifts are like a second chance — to make up the lost time, and the lost dollars.

Imagine you are 62 and have 10 years left to go before retirement. You’d have $33,000 saved just in 2025 by topping up regular and catch-up contributions. Even if growth is small, over 10 years that could represent a large buffer.

Who benefits the most?

These new restrictions are a treat if you’re in your early 60s. And you’re probably at the top of your income curve, with less big debt such as college tuition or mortgage. Now is the time to pour more money into your 401(k).

And for those who are a little bit afraid of inflation eating away at their savings, this boost can help. Any amount you put into it now is an amount you can build up tax-free and do more for you in the years to come.

How to maximize your contributions

1. Start early in the year

Don’t wait until December to catch up. Distribute your donation over the year. This is great for budgeting, and if you’re not investing, you’re never growing your pension fund.

2. Increase your contribution rate

Don’t contribute as much as you already are, go up your percentage. So if you’re giving 10% of your salary, increase that to 15% or more. This kind of small tweak can add up to a lot of money in the long run.

3. Take advantage of employer matches

If your company matches your contributions, make sure you are getting the maximum amount possible. You get an automatic promotion.

4. Budget for success

The reason we don’t donate the maximum is usually, “I don’t have the funds.” But it’s usually a matter of priorities. Review your expenses. Can you forgo that morning coffee run or postpone your phone upgrade? Pour that money into your 401(k) instead.

Catch-up contributions: A real-life example

I had a client, Dave, who was 61 years old, an engineer who’d lived for everything except retirement savings. The first time he woke up, he was left with less than $150,000 in his 401(k) and 10 years to go before retirement.

With these larger catch-up allowances, Dave pumped in the maximum. Grabbing the excess, directing bonuses and raises, he contributed more than $30,000 a year. His savings nearly doubled by the time he retired, and it gave him a much safer retirement.

What do all these provisions have to do with the larger project?

Retirement savings are not about dollars and cents; they’re about freedom. Unconstrained ability to travel, hang with family or engage in hobbies without cost. These additional contribution caps and catch-up opportunities are your way to that freedom.

Think of them as rungs on a ladder. Each one gets you to the top where financial freedom lies. And, if you’re about to retire, these are your chances to make the ascent even faster and harder.

Common missteps to avoid

1. Ignoring the limits

People get a little crazy when they believe they can put everything in their 401(k). The lower the annual limit, the more tax benefits you will get without penalties.

2. Overlooking catch-up contributions

If you are 50 years old or over and not taking advantage of catch-ups, you are forfeiting big savings potential.

3. Underestimating your future needs

We might be tempted to believe that you’ll pay less when you retire, but health care and inflation aren’t cheap. Invest more today and do not stress later.

What about taxes?

And here’s the good news: 401(k) contributions reduce your taxable income in the year of the contribution. This saves tax a lot of money for high earners. Also, you are building the money tax-free until you begin taking it out in retirement. You get one thing for your wallet and one thing for your skin.

The future: Why 2025 is a time to get ahead of things?

The new contribution caps and catch-up rules are not policy changes; they’re opportunities. You may be working back or if you have years of consistent savings, 2025 will be the year to take your 401(k) strategy to the next level.

This isn’t just numbers on a page, this is practical impact. But what if you had enough money saved up for the years after you retired to not only survive but actually have fun in the process? You could take that vacation you always wanted, or buy that house you always wanted, or just be secure in the fact that you know you’re in good financial shape.


To get the most out of your 401(k) contributions in 2025, make the most of the new limits and catch-up rules. If you are 25 or 65, every dollar you save gets you one step closer to the retirement of your dreams.

Plan and don’t quit; ask for help if you need it. Retirement is not about living, it’s about living well. And with all this changing, 2025 will be an awesome year to put yourself and your future first. Your 401(k) is a device, and now is the moment to master it.

Lyle Boss, The REAL BOSS Financial, endorsed by Glenn Beck as the premier retirement advisor for Utah and the Mountain West states. Boss Financial, 955 Chambers St., Suite 250, Ogden, UT 84403. Telephone: 801-475-9400.