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Does indoor air quality even matter? Is it just a big hoax?

By Spencer Miller western Heating & Air Conditioning - | Jun 12, 2021
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Air filters are there to get as much pollution out of your air as possible, so please make sure you change them often.

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For some reason, this is what you read whenever it comes to indoor air quality. It tends to always be overkill.

The honest fact is millions of people live with poor air quality every day.

They aren’t dying. They aren’t contracting diseases that you can’t pronounce, and they aren’t turning into zombies.

But, let me be clear, I am NOT saying that the air quality inside your home has no effect on your health. I’m just saying that it isn’t life or death.

So let’s get to the truth.

The truth is that so many people deal with allergies, asthma, and the common cold that they just accept that it is a normal part of life.

They don’t realize that the air in their home could be causing or heightening these symptoms. They don’t realize that allergies should get better when you’re inside — not worse.

That’s what we’re here to tell you. Your 5-year-old doesn’t have to have a sneeze attack every time he comes inside “because it’s allergy season.”

You don’t have to smell puppy breath everywhere just because you have a dog.

You don’t have to have asthma flare-ups just because you’re inside.

Now I know that most people don’t want to buy a new AC unit or an upgrade to their unit just because of allergies, and that’s OK.

Don’t get me wrong — we’ll gladly help you out if allergies, odors, or asthma are a big deal for your family. Give us a call at 801-515-2448 and we’ll help you out.

BUT the majority of people aren’t willing to put more than a couple of bucks into it, and we get it. So here are a few simple suggestions to improve the air in your home.

  • Get some house plants.

Not everyone can do this because of little toddlers that love dirt, but if you can it keeps everything fresh in a BIG way.

  • Open a window if the weather is right.

Outdoor air is probably the best way to improve your ventilation. Opening a window allows air to go out and in as it pleases. This keeps air pollution from circulating your home for as long as it wants.

  • Replace your filers.

I know this is like the dentist telling you to floss, but it’s because it is the KEY to keeping your AC unit running like a champ.

These filters are there to get as much pollution out of your air as possible, so please make sure you change them often!

We hope you use this to keep your air fresh and to cut down on allergy and asthma symptoms. Give us a call at 801-515-2448 if you’ve got any questions.

Here to help,

— The Western Heating and Air Family


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