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Our Red Handkerchief Promise reminds us of our heroes

By Western Heating & Air Conditioning - | Sep 11, 2021

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September 11, 2001 - 911 20 Years Patriot Day badges with USA flag - circle vector

Our red handkerchief promise is all about doing things right. We usually talk about it in terms of being thorough and detail-oriented while fixing your HVAC equipment.

But, the red handkerchief promise is also about doing the morally right thing.

No matter how much integrity we build, it is difficult to fathom the amazing acts of the firefighters, cops, EMS workers, and other first responders that decided to help 20 years ago today.

These first responders changed the focus of 9-11 forever. It is not a day where we highlight the evils done.

Because of them, it is a day where we honor the dead and thank the brave men and women that responded by doing the right thing.

These first responders put their lives on the line for strangers.

Western Heating + Air tries to bring a sense of family and love to our community. We won’t ever make the difference they did, but we do our best to follow their example of service.

We hope that you take some time today to pay tribute to the deceased and thank the amazing men and women that serve our communities and keep our families safe.


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