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North Sanpete indoor track participants perform admirably

By Brad Bentley - Pyramid Sports - | Jan 31, 2007

PROVO– Even though there is still snow on the ground and the temperature barely climbs above zero in the afternoons, North Sanpete Coach Scott Butler still has athletes running track.

This last weekend he took a small group of dedicated individuals to the Brigham Young University Indoor Invitational.

These athletes, all female by the way, performed admirably against some very tough competition from Utah, Idaho and Wyoming.

Stephanie Honey, a sophomore from Mt. Pleasant, and member of the school’s cross country team took 14th place overall in the mile with a time of 5:49. She also ran the 800 meters in 2:41.

Also running the mile for North Sanpete were freshman Nia Ricks who ran it in 6:16, and junior Hayley Carr with a time of 6:19. Both girls also competed in the 800-meter run and finished with times of 2:45 and 2:49, respectively.

Teni Franks, a senior from Spring City who was a varsity soccer player this past season, competed in the 60 meter hurdles and finished 13th place overall with a time of 11.15 seconds. She also ran the 400-meter race in 1:09.

Liz Larsen, a sophomore who also plays soccer, ran the 60-meter dash in 8.76 seconds and completed the 400-meter run in just 1:06.

Coach Butler is also taking some runners to the Salt Lake valley this weekend to another race at the Olympic Oval in Kearns. The races will take all day, but look for some more great results from North Sanpete’s track athletes.