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Mayors of Utah Valley: Memorial Day is a time for reflection, celebration

By Tom Westmoreland - Special to the Daily Herald | May 25, 2024

Courtesy Eagle Mountain

Eagle Mountain Mayor Tom Westmoreland

Memorial Day serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by so many to protect our freedoms and way of life. While we’re preparing food and spending time with family, it’s important to honor the military personnel who have given their lives in service to our country.

This weekend, which has been set aside for ceremony and reflection, also has me thinking about Sgt. Bill Hooser, who served with the Santaquin Police Department since 2017. Sgt. Hooser carried out his duties with bravery and dedication, qualities that all our law enforcement officers share. His tragic death, caused by a suspect driving a semitruck on Interstate 15, has deeply affected us all.

Sgt. Hooser wasn’t just a law enforcement officer; he was a husband, father and grandfather. So many lives have been impacted by his loss. It’s a stark reminder of the risks endured by those who dedicate their lives to keeping us safe and protecting the values we hold most dear.

The moments spent honoring those in our military, those serving to protect our communities and those no longer with us also show how we can come together in tough times. It’s in these moments that our community’s true character shines through.

We see neighbors supporting each other, strangers becoming friends and a collective resolve to honor those we’ve lost by continuing to build a proud country and better, safer communities and families.

This spirit of unity and resilience is what makes Utah special, and it’s illustrated during our summer celebrations.

Eagle Mountain leads off the area’s festivities. This year, as we gather for Pony Express Days, which runs from May 29 to June 8, let’s do so with a sense of remembrance, purpose and gratitude.

Let’s celebrate not just the events and activities but the spirit of community and the shared values they represent. Let’s honor our military and law enforcement heroes, remember our lost loved ones, and take pride in this beautiful area and great nation.

We can make these celebrations a tribute to our past, a recognition of our present and a commitment to our future.

Together, we can ensure the legacy of our heroes who have sacrificed themselves lives on.

This Memorial Day, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to those in uniform. I also want to personally thank each of you for taking this weekend to honor those who have sacrificed for our safety and freedom.

Let’s use this weekend to remember their sacrifice, and let’s use our community celebrations to show gratitude for the values they fought so hard to defend.


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