Spanish Fork life center bond fails
Spanish Fork residents spoke with a resounding no Tuesday night when a nearly $40 million bond to fund the construction of a city life center was struck down.
According to unofficial 2015 general election results, the vote was 4,343 to 1,780 against the bond.
If the bond had passed, it would have funded the construction of a three-in-one facility designed to include a recreation center, library and senior center for Spanish Fork residents.
Following a two-week canvassing period, final election results will be available by Nov. 17.
Carolina Herrin, a co-founder of the political issues committee against the bond, said she thinks the bond likely won’t pass because as opponents have said since the beginning, it’s too large of a bond for the city.
“We don’t think it was planned correctly,” she added.
As for the future, Herrin added she thinks this isn’t the end of the issue.
“I think it will come up again. We will continue to hear about it,” she said.
Herrin added she hopes in future discussions there will be more public involvement from the beginning.