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Provo City Council to hold first meetings in new facility

By Genelle Pugmire - | Aug 19, 2022
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The new Provo City Hall is shown on Thursday, June 30, 2022. Windows on the left are part of the City Council chamber.
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The old Provo City Council chamber has seen its last meeting.

It may be the shortest meeting of the Provo City Council this year, but it will be a historic evening.

On Tuesday, the city council will meet for the first time in the new council chamber in the new city hall that opened in July. The council chamber was not completed at the opening.

The only action item on the evening meeting, after the opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and the public open mic segments is a zone change request to allow for a six-unit townhome development at 193 W. 4800 North.

The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m., most likely with the typically jovial Council Chairman Travis Hoban inviting the public to the new council digs and saying a brief comment or two about the room.

The new chamber has taken a few steps up in efficiency with superior technology. Council meetings are also livestreamed on the council’s YouTube channel and on its Facebook page. Audio and visual recordings are made for those wanting to hear or view later.

Supply chain issues are still hampering some of the technology from being installed, but for the most part the chamber is ready.

Referring to the old chamber where council meetings and planning commission meetings were held, Katrice MacKay, the newest member of the council, said she watched planning commission meetings online to get an idea of what the public was experiencing with the council.

She said she got mad because she couldn’t read the words on documents or see highlighted points. “It was like only getting half of the meeting,” she said.

“These are not online options,” she added. “I look forward to seeing documents, what we’re highlighting. People that would call in sounded really garbled. I’m thrilled we made technology a priority.”

MacKay said she is also excited to have windows in the chamber. “It’s cool we can see Provo outside our windows. People walking downtown might get curious about what is going on and come in to a council meeting.”

Next to the council chamber is a new community room that can be used to accommodate overflow attendance for council and planning commission meetings. When not being used for these meetings, it can house neighborhood meetings, special gatherings and celebrations.

In November 2018, voters said yes to a $69 million bond to build the five-story city hall. It now houses under one roof the public safety offices, fire department administration and the dispatch office on the south end. Other departments and administrative offices are on the northern end of the building.

The public is welcome to come in person to the council meeting at 445 W. Center St., Room 100. Work meeting begins at 3 p.m. followed by the regular council meeting at 5:30 p.m. every other Tuesday.


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