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USBE requests feedback on Student Health and Risk Prevention survey

By Ashtyn Asay - | Sep 20, 2022

Isaac Hale, Daily Herald file photo

School buses await service at the Alpine School District East Transportation Bus Garage on Thursday, April 2, 2020, in American Fork.

The Utah State Board of Education is looking for feedback from Utah residents on the state’s Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) survey.

The SHARP survey is given every two years to students in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12, and is used to measure adolescent substance use, anti-social behavior and the risk and protective factors that predict these adolescent problem behaviors, according to the state board. The USBE voted to withdraw and pause its support from the SHARP survey on June 2.

“The reason for this action is due to various concerns expressed by USBE members during the June meeting,” reads a press release. “USBE staff was asked to convene a workgroup to examine the issues brought up during the meeting.”

The board is asking that residents take a short survey to provide feedback on the SHARP survey. Information gathered by the survey will be used to help inform members of the state board during the Oct. 6 meeting where the board will determine whether or not to support the 2023 SHARP survey administration.

“The board hopes to gather information from a variety of stakeholders, including education staff and administrators, public and private organizations, and individuals,” reads the release. “The survey is voluntary and those who chose to respond will be asked for contact information in case there are additional questions from the board.”

According to the state board, participation in SHARP is a local decision — up to each school district or charter — and the position of the USBE does not prevent local agencies from participating in the survey.

USBE does not provide funding for the SHARP survey administration. No funding was affected by the decision and participation will still be free for all schools that participate.

The survey will close on Oct. 2 and can be found at https://usbe.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7U7GZfcPKcp69Su.


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