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Sub for Santa: Couple in midst of financial hardships after death in family

By Nichole Whiteley - | Dec 6, 2023


Sub for Santa

Editor’s note: All names of United Way’s Sub for Santa participants have been changed. To help a family like this one, call the Sub for Santa hotline at 801-356-6300 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays or visit https://subforsanta.org.

When Clara’s father passed away this year, she had to quickly travel to Brazil. With unexpected expenses from the funeral paired with other needs, she and her husband, Gabriel, could use some help this Christmas season.

“Nowadays it is more difficult to pay our bills in the USA and this program would help a lot to make our Christmas happier,” Gabriel said.

The Sub for Santa program will be helping their family this Christmas to ensure they wake up to a Christmas morning where Santa left presents and joy in the midst of their hardships.

Their two boys, ages 13 and 9, are in need of coats, hoodies and T-shirts. The youngest also needs pants. The 13-year-old’s favorite color is green, and he is hoping for “Jurassic Park” and “Jurassic World” toys, gift cards and Roblox items. He enjoys reading horror, adventure, biblical and historical books. The 9-year-old’s favorite color is red and he is hoping for Goo Jit Zu toys, Roblox items, gift cards and Dinosaur toys. He would also enjoy mystery, biblical, “I Survived” and adventure books.

“We appreciate your help. God bless you all,” Gabriel said.


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