Lehi High School teacher hospitalized after classroom accident

Curtis Booker, Daily Herald
The brick facade of Lehi High School is pictured Friday, May 10, 2024.A Lehi High School teacher was taken to a hospital Friday afternoon after being injured during a class assignment.
In a statement emailed to the Daily Herald, the Alpine School District called it “an unfortunate and tragic accident.” Officials did not specify exactly what led to the injury but confirmed that no students were hurt.
According to the district, the accident happened in a classroom in the school’s agriculture building, which is detached from the main campus that houses Career and Technical Education classrooms.
The Lehi police and fire departments responded to the school early Friday afternoon following the incident. The teacher was flown by medical helicopter to receive care. School district officials did not identify the teacher or provide information about their condition other than to say the male educator remains in the hospital.
The district said it notified parents of the incident and offered resources of support services and crisis counseling to students who are struggling with what they witnessed.
In its statement, the district said:
“We extend our deepest concern to the teacher and their family during this difficult time. We are grateful that no students were injured in the accident and we appreciate the swift and professional response from Lehi Fire and Police. We continue to work with our first responder partners to make sure our school community is safe and informed.”