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19-year-old man serving LDS mission in Utah County facing rape charge

By Curtis Booker - | May 14, 2024

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A 19-year-old man serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah County was arrested Saturday for allegedly raping a woman. He now faces a slew of charges including first-degree felony rape, court documents show.

Saratoga Springs police officers said they were called out to a home, where a relative reported that their sister was being sexually assaulted by a man who lived across the street.

Officers located Abraham Isaac Cruz Hernandez standing in a driveway, who reportedly told police that he and the victim had been in a garage “making out” and had sex. He refused to answer any further questions after being read his rights, arrest records say.

The victim later told police she and Hernandez were in the garage when he allegedly grabbed her and began kissing her, which she originally consented to. She further reported that he then forcibly made her perform sexual acts without her consent before raping her, according to court documents.

During the course of events, others entered the garage, saw what was happening and reportedly told Hernandez to stop.

In a statement provided to the Daily Herald, the church says Hernandez was immediately removed from his volunteer missionary service. “The Church is cooperating fully with law enforcement in this investigation. Missionaries are expected to abide by the highest standards, and those who do not will be released and sent home, and in situations involving criminal allegations, also face loss of Church membership.”

Hernandez was booked into the Utah County Jail for forcible sodomy, rape and sexual battery. He’s currently being held without bail.


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