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Guest: Let’s change for the better

By Shaunte Ruiz Zundel - | Oct 30, 2021

Shaunte Ruiz Zundel

Disagreements are inevitable in politics. Even when two people or groups want the same thing, they may not agree on how to best reach that objective. At its best, political debate can help everyone clarify their thinking and come up with new and better solutions. However, that can only happen if both parties are willing to have the discussion in good faith and by presenting their ideas to the public. We live in a great state and a great city, although there are issues, Orem, Utah generally does a good job dealing with tough political decisions in a productive way. Unfortunately, that has not been the case in this election.

Having gotten into this race because I feel like I had something positive to contribute, I have been disappointed by the tone and attacks that have taken place. Although there have been a variety of rumors and lies that have been spread, the most problematic have been the lies that anyone who signed the Woodbury sign contract either lacks good judgment or is unethical. The contract simply asked the candidates to acknowledge that agreements already exist between University Place and the City of Orem. It in no way means a candidate is required to vote in Woodbury’s favor. Since this campaign began, I have spoken out against predatory tactics taken by developers in Orem, including Woodbury. Signing the contract does not bind me, or any of the other candidates, to vote in their favor.

As I have campaigned, I have done my best to talk to as many citizens of Orem as I can, so I can understand what is important to them. The citizen’s of Orem have great ideas that can benefit the city and city officials, citizens should be encouraged to engage more to bring these ideas into action. When the lies started spreading about the Woodbury contract, conversations changed to asking me why I had signed a deal with Woodbury. Most I spoke to have not had legal training and they trusted that candidates they respected were telling the truth. Some of my supporters, who recognized I could be hurt by these attacks, asked if I would be willing to move my signs from Woodbury property. Because I only agreed to put up my signs in an attempt to help make people aware of my candidacy, I agreed to work with them to find alternative locations for my signs.

I never wanted or intended to run for political office. When I moved to Orem, I was content to just live my life. I, like many others, want to leave behind a better world for my children. I decided that if I wanted to see the world changed for the better, I had to be willing to step forward and do something. I thought I had the skills and knowledge to be able to help Orem City move forward into the future.

Now, more than before, I realize there needs to be change. Orem deserves to be represented by people who will listen and fight for the citizens, families, and neighborhoods. Every candidate has something to offer our city, but political races need to stay focused on what ideas and experience candidates have to offer rather than what lies or misinformation can be spread the most efficiently.

Shaunte Ruiz Zundel is a candidate for the Orem City Council.


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