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Letter: Living in a world of our own design

By Staff | Sep 3, 2021

STK - Letter to the Editor

Back in February, 2003, Mormon President Russell M. Nelson published an article in the Ensign magazine titled “Divine Love” where he expressed his belief that God’s love is conditional. At that time, I couldn’t help but wonder what effect Nelson’s theory would have on those of us Mormons residing towards the bottom of the murky perfection pool.

It is now 2021, and we have Jeffery R. Holland, speaking at the BYU University Conference, reiterating the theory that a large group of our fellow human beings is not good enough for even the smallest portion of God’s love.

In addition, BYU professors are apparently no longer allowed to pray and receive their own personal inspiration from God. They now have to choose between loving their LGBTQ family members and students, or their job.

God save us from the religious patriarchy we Mormons created.

— Kim Thomson, Provo


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