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Letter: ‘Big’ Tech not so big amid layoffs, low earnings

By Staff | Dec 17, 2022

With the recent layoffs across America’s technology companies, it is clear that “Big Tech” is not immune to low earnings and hard times. Even the most successful companies have recently laid off tens of thousands of employees and reported low quarterly earnings, calling into question the need for these harmful regulations.

Unfortunately, many in Congress have called for overreaching antitrust legislation to further cripple the success of these innovative companies, but based on the millions of dollars in revenue lost, it is clear that these companies are struggling just like the rest of us. Just a few weeks ago, Amazon shared plans to lay off 10,000 employees, and Google’s third-quarter profits dropped 27 percent, from $18.9 billion in 2021 to $13.9 billion in 2022.

Losses like these show just how susceptible tech companies are to the financial woes caused by sky-high inflation. As a small business owner, I worry the proposed antitrust legislation will only add insult to injury and jeopardize access to the digital services and tools – which I rely on to run my business – that these companies provide.

The recent economic climate has shown that these companies are not untouchable, and I hope Congress recognizes this before passing legislation that will further damage the tech industry and America’s small businesses along with it.

Charly Connor, Vineyard


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