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Letter: Changing social norms around second dates

By Staff | Apr 8, 2023

How many successful second dates have you been on? According to The Syndey Horning Herald, only 20% of 3500 singles on a dating site “always” got a second date. Traditionally, men are expected to ask the women out on both the first and second date. This becomes problematic because the men oftentimes do not understand the signals the women are giving. Many women believe that they must go on the second date out of common courtesy. However, men are hesitant to ask women out on the second date because they are afraid of being rejected. This fear is coupled with not knowing how the girl feels or where she stands after the first date.

What if the women ask the men out on the second date? This would eliminate confusion on where the relationship stands. By asking the girl out on the first date, it is clear that the guy is interested. If we change the norm to having the women ask the men out on the second date, then the percentage mentioned previously will have a higher chance of increasing. The increase in the statistic is possible only if we break societal norms and make the change today.

Emily Muir, Provo


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