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Letter: Time for stoplights on highways

By Staff | Aug 8, 2023

Yet another person has lost their life on a Utah highway where drivers entering traffic have to cross when they feel it is “safe.” The young man on the motorcycle who died in Provo Canyon hit a car that was crossing the highway. Accidents happen in Provo Canyon at the Vivian Park crossing, the Khyv Peak crossing, the Sundance crossing and the Wallsburg crossing. It is scary to try to turn left, even with a center lane to move into. It happens on Highway 6 in Spanish Fork Canyon too – any crossroad where a driver has to cross traffic to turn left has had accidents and deaths.

I’ve driven on highways that have stoplights so I know it can be done. We’ve got to stem the flow of accidents and deaths on Utah highways. Installing stoplights will provide a safe way for drivers to cross and enter traffic. Yes, people will complain because they can’t get somewhere as fast as they want. But they will be alive to complain.

Kaye Nelson, Provo


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