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Letter: Money talks, politicians listen

By Staff | Jul 25, 2023

Powerful interests in America refuse to listen to the people. That is the opposite of what is supposed to happen in a democracy.

A hundred years ago this nation was dead set against getting involved in European wars, but a wily politician by the name of Woodrow Wilson and a small group of industrial robber barons decided it would be better for them if we did go to war in Europe. We’ve been doing it ever since.

After World War II there was nothing more that Americans wanted than to keep industrial jobs at home to bolster the working class, but the money barons decided to do just the opposite.

Since 1973, most Americans have accepted expanded access to abortion, but very recently, a small group of well-heeled Christians have pushed to make abortion a single-minded proposition.

Recent polls here in Utah showed that large majorities of locals do not want a billion-dollar solution to moving skiers up one of our main canyons to the ski resorts. Utah’s one-party state government announced they are going to do just that.

Today, it’s clear that only money has a voice in America.

Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross


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