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Letter: Grateful for Kuhni’s Kustom Handyman

By Staff | Jun 23, 2023

It is not often enough that a business displays a combination of quick response, immediate assessment of need, hazards, and difficulty; submits a bid, encounters complications and yet completes the job with priority, high quality and no increase in an already reasonable bid.  As I got very reluctantly involved in a restoration of a neighbor’s mobile home I searched the internet for handyman services.  Kuhni’s Kustom Handyman in Payson responded and after seeing my situation gave me truly “Samaritan” service and put off other work to meet my deadline:  my neighbor, an older bachelor,had told me confidentially that his intended bride would  arrive from Manila at the Salt Lake Airport on June 3.  Thanks to Brandon Kuhni and others, the mobile home is very nicely renovated.

Jesse Taylor, Orem


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