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Letter: Where are Wilson’s ‘Utah values’ in action?

By Staff | May 13, 2023

Republican Speaker of the House Brad Wilson is thinking about running against Mitt Romney for Senator in 2024. (SLTrib, 4-14-23)

Wilson mentions he would bring Utah values of hard work, sacrifice, personal responsibility, and collaboration. Collaboration? That is the opposite of what Utah Republicans do in the legislature. They collaborate with themselves, and railroad with everyone else.

Hard work? It is unearned income that is the goal of Republican party policy, and that isn’t even work at all.

Personal responsibility? Responsibility for family, church, and employer for sure, but not responsibility for the community and its official caretakers. Republicans teach that public institutions are of lesser importance and effectiveness than private businesses and church institutions.

Wilson speaks of “The Utah Way Forward.” No doubt this is the same way that has precipitated the banking crisis in America and has built the wealth gap to monstrous proportions here and elsewhere.

Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross


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