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Preserving Egypt’s civil society

The following editorial appeared in Tuesday's Washington Post:The Obama administration and other Western governments are increasingly concerned that Egypt's shaky Islamic government will exhaust the country's foreign reserves rather than adopt the painful austerity measures necessary to win ...

America’s trade muddle

Americans have a love-hate relationship with foreign trade. In the marketplace, we're enthusiasts. During 2012, we scarfed up $2.3 trillion in imports: cars, computers, clothes, smartphones, shoes, toys, oil and much more. We are also eager exporters, though not as successful, peddling $1.6 ...

A ray of hope in the Middle East

The following editorial appeared in Friday's Washington Post:The darkening situation in the Middle East has produced a silver lining. With Syria's civil war intensifying and Iran showing no sign of slowing its nuclear program, Israel and Turkey have patched a nearly three-year-old rift. In a ...

Krauthammer: What really happened in Jerusalem

"I honestly believe that if any Israeli parent sat down with those [Palestinian] kids, they'd say, 'I want these kids to succeed.' "-- Barack Obama, in Jerusalem, March 21Very true. But how does the other side feel about Israeli kids?Consider that the most revered parent in Palestinian society ...

Herald Poll: Defense of Marriage Act

If you visited any social media site in the past week, you probably noticed the red equals sign image. The picture signified that user's support for marriage equality for all people, including sThe image spread quickly this week as the Supreme Court argue the legality of the Defense of Marriage ...

Block Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act

There are moments in life that define not only our own character, but, also, the future of our children. Failure to act during those critical moments can cause a lifetime of regret and remorse. I fear that if I don't speak up now that I will regret it for the rest of my life.While I have always ...