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Local Guest Opinions

Guest opinion: The importance of local support in short-term medical missions

In the modern era, we are more aware of global health disparities than ever before. As such, it is natural to want to engage in helping to lessen those disparities. This is what we are seeing with short-term medical missions (STMM). Short-term medical missions are a form of unregulated medical ...

Guest opinion: China is weaponizing its minerals monopoly

For more than a decade, Washington has talked a big game about breaking China’s grip on the world’s mineral supplies. And both presidents Trump and Biden have labeled America’s mineral vulnerability — along with China’s mineral dominance — an unacceptable and urgent risk. The ...

Guest opinion: Utah Legislature shows its true colors with Amendment D trickery

There’s an old story about a monkey needing to cross a great river. A smooth-talking crocodile convinces the monkey that he will take him across safely on his tail. In one version of the story, the crocodile entices the monkey to come closer to his head, with promises of a safer ride, until ...

Guest opinion: Republican tax cuts spurred asset price inflation

The following facts have been completely ignored by Donald Trump and his media allies: 1. Because the economy is in a constant state of flux and change, every president inherits a unique economy where the conditions and factors are temporary and not repeatable. In spite of Trump's trash ...