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Local Guest Opinions

Guest opinion: Punishments won’t solve absenteeism

Can chronic absenteeism be solved through punishment? Not likely. There has been ample evidence that punishing students and families for absenteeism doesn’t work. A group devoted to solving chronic absenteeism, Attendance Works, said this, “Effective approaches are those that treat ...

Guest opinion: Washington must act now to save America’s high-tech future

Microchips, microchips, microchips. ... These days, almost everything we use in our daily lives is controlled by tiny integrated circuits. They’re the miniature brains in our cellphones, satellites, military defenses and wireless networks. The recipe for these microchips — and for the ...

Guest opinion: Donald Trump and the rule of law

A key tenet of the rule of law is that individuals should only be prosecuted for their specific alleged misdeeds — not who they are generally. It's essential to American democracy that this principle be honored for all potential criminal defendants. Even Donald Trump. The former president's ...