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Letter: Thoughts and facts about LRS’s plan on Utah Lake

Jul 16, 2022

The State of Utah has jurisdiction over all freshwater lakes and streams in the state boundaries. This means that the state also has all property rights below the high-water line in streams and bodies of waters.

Therefore, if Lake Restoration Solutions (LRS) builds islands, causeways, dikes, or other infrastructure within the Utah Lake high water line the lands become private — city, or county claimed lands would need to be negotiated through the state for annexation. Which means that those lands would be subject to city or county taxation authority. If cities or counties participating in funding for LRS, they will become liable for the operation and maintenance costs which ultimately fall upon all their citizens of cities or counties involved. Not just the few wealthy who could afford to live on the islands. Do all citizens living within these boundaries want to help support LRS and the wealthy island citizens?

I believe all citizens have the right to vote for support or not to support this project as proposed by LRS not just the county elected, or city elected governments.

Fred Murray, Mapleton