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Letter: Finding the best candidates for Orem

By Staff | Aug 3, 2023

This is the time of year that most of us don’t love — seeing political signs go up for local elections, trying to find time and energy to decide which candidates will best represent us, and who may have different agendas. Most of us care about our beautiful city and preserving the Family City USA way of life. Ultimately, that is why people want to live in Orem. It’s a place where neighbors look out for each other.

In 2020, one Orem candidate was supportive of the State Street Master Plan — growth along State Street, adding 9,700 more apartments, and a BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) down the middle of State Street. His campaign flyer was sent to Orem voters, and only stated he would “Protect Orem Neighborhoods”. If you hadn’t attended meetings where he mentioned the high-density housing plan, you might have assumed from his flyer that he was not for more growth. If he had gotten into office, we would currently be seeing those apartments built along State Street. I am thankful he didn’t win.

We still have some who want to return to this or similar plan. The state administration, UTA, MAG, UDOT, investors, and developers, all are pushing for more growth, and want “walkable” 15-minute cities. That is why this, and future elections are so important.

Our current administration has pushed back and stopped the State Street Master Plan. We have 3 seats opening for this election. If those seats go to those that support the former plan, eventually Orem will become a rental-housing hub rather than Family City USA. Orem is currently at 45 percent rentals and 95% built out.

We can’t vote based on who seems popular or has the most funding for marketing and signs, on name recognition, endorsements, or one or two issues we may agree on. We can’t vote for those with smooth political responses without providing clear answers. These elections are much more important to our future than a casual glance or quick decision provides.

RoMay Allen, Orem


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