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Letter: Big money in Orem elections

By Staff | Aug 30, 2023

Remember Proposition 2, the effort to create an Orem-only school district? It was overwhelmingly rejected by the voters by over 70%.

Well, Todd Pedersen, who, along with Alex Dunn spent hundreds of thousands of dollars last year trying to sway voters to support Prop 2, is back. Perhaps you remember they funded numerous “free food” events to push Prop. 2. I see that he is once again sponsoring events, but this time to stir up support for his city council candidates.

This time Mr. Pedersen is backing candidates who supported Prop. 2: Crystal Muhlstein, Matt McKell, Spencer Rands and Mike Carpenter. Numerous large signs, pricey mailers, and sponsored events are proof that a lot of money is backing these candidates.

Let’s once again show that big dollars won’t sway our city elections. Like last year, let’s say “no” to big money and choose candidates who will work together with the FULL city council, other communities and government agencies, and will respect the opinions of Orem voters. We need leaders who will stop the lack of collaboration and bloc voting of the current mayor and three city council members.

I invite you to join me and my family in voting for Jenn Gale, Chris Killpack and Jeff Lambson. They represent the vast majority of voters and they did not support Prop. 2. They are leaders who truly listen to constituents and can be counted on to make good decisions for our community.

Rusty Butler, Orem


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