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Letter: A fresh start for Orem government coming in the new year

By Staff | Dec 8, 2023

We have been to the National Archives many times to see the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Many great people fought in word and deed to secure liberty for future generations. Since there will always be people who will misuse power, there is a price to be paid for freedom. Abolitionist, Wendell Phillips said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty …”

We the people elect officials to represent our ideas and concerns in government. However, sometimes officials use the power we grant them to pursue personal objectives. James Madison suggested that it is human nature for people to form alliances with those who are like themselves and “will sometimes work against the public interest and infringe upon the rights of others.”

This is what has happened in Orem. An alliance was formed, personal agendas pursued, and the public interest neglected. Agendas foster groupthink, obscure reality, and eliminate flexibility and common sense. Officials then feel justified in using unethical methods and eventually lose the ability to distinguish between ethical and unethical behavior. Intimidation, manipulation, contention, confusion, promotion of false information, and deception seem acceptable.

In January we will have a new majority of council members who will use honesty and common sense in making decisions to serve community interests. If we are vigilant and determined not to accept the tactics we’ve seen in the last 23 months, we can preserve our freedom from misuse of power. If not, we risk a repeat of the things that have happened in the last two years.

Virginia Sokolowsky, Orem


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