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Letter: School voucher bill completely misses the mark

By Staff | Jan 26, 2023

In response to HB 215 (School choice bill, Utah Fits All Scholarship), the Legislature and Gov. Cox have missed the point. This issue is not about school choice; the matter is about sponsoring two opposing bills together which damages faith between educators and the governor. While building trust with the educational community over the past few years, this bill would only dampen the trust between the governor and the Utah educational community.

When the governor and Legislature pride themselves on doing things the “Utah Way”, this bill is the antithesis of it. It is following the federal government’s omnibus example, by packaging rival bills, simply to pass school choice. Rather than doing it the “Utah Way,” they are attempting to push through a school voucher rider.

This bill is being fast-tracked with little comment and input from the Utah educational community. When asked for more debate and input, it was denied in committee. And why? So that it can be passed as quickly as possible without the necessary time for debate and comment. If they truly want to recruit better and more qualified teachers, then start by treating them with respect; not by managing them with coercion. Otherwise, the desired esteem for teachers falls on deaf ears.

This bill needs to be two separate and distinct bills. Let them stand on their own. The current version of the school choice bill is insulting and offensive to educators. Teachers are being held hostage to a school voucher program that they oppose.

Dave Nielsen, Highland


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