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Letter: A misunderstanding of God’s love for his children

By Staff | Nov 30, 2023

My comments are in response to your Guest Opinion on November 20, 2023 by Jade Henderson entitled “Reflections on the “chosen race.”

You provided Mr. Henderson 32 column inches to articulately imply that Heavenly Father is an elitist. He evidently defines the term chosen as referring to some form of elitism. Heavenly Father has never been elitist, in the Old Testament, the New Testament, Another Testament, or any testament, and never will be, worlds without end. He loves all His children equally and without limit.

The proper understanding of chosen is based on the spiritual truth that all must come unto Christ. Those who are chosen have covenanted to work with all their heart, might, mind, and strength to bring all of Heavenly Father’s children to Christ. That is what it means in true gospel context. Being chosen in no way places them above anyone else, but in fact, makes them the servants of all.

Clifford Rice, Spanish Fork


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