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Letter: Shocked at description of 9/11 terrorist attack

By Staff | Sep 14, 2023

I love the Daily Herald and enjoy reading a paper newspaper each day. I wanted to comment, on the article written by Rob Nielsen entitled, Helping Others Remember. I’m so glad to hear about the exhibit that Weber County hosted teaching children about the events of 9/11/2001. I was struck, however, that perhaps the writer of the article, himself, was too young to understand what happened when I read him describe the attack as “the greatest human-made catastrophe to that time in the then-young 21st century…” Wow. I was shocked to hear it described as a “human-made catastrophe!” This was no human made catastrophe, such a nuclear spill. This was a blatant terrorist attack on US soil. I was standing in my officeplace, watching the reruns of the first airplane to strike the world trade center, and with everyone else, assumed it was a terrible accident. But when the second plane struck the second tower as shown on live TV in that moment — it was sobering, to say the least, to watch on live TV, our country attacked by terrorists, murdering almost 3,000 citizens. This was no catastrophe — it was a blatant act of war on our nation. I hope you can clarify this with Rob Nielsen. It was insulting to me to see this terrorist attack classified as a human-made catastrophe.

Kathy Bruner, Highland


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