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Letter: The Utah caucus/convention system gives me a say

By Staff | May 27, 2024

I have lived in 3 states while of voting age — California, Colorado, and Utah. I also lived in the UK for 10 years.

  • California had no caucus system. I felt disengaged from the political system — no access or input. My vote did not count, as I lived in the Central Valley, and the coastal cities ruled. I was from a poor family where politics were rarely discussed, and it was made clear that people like us were not welcome nor expected to participate except to vote.
  • Colorado had a lip-service caucus system. We met, but the state leaders ignored our input.
  • Utah’s caucus and convention system gives me hope that…
    • My voice can be heard
    • My vote will count

Why I support the Utah caucus and convention system:

  • I get to vote on who goes to the county and state convention. I want someone who represents my core values, and who will study and prepare to make the best possible choices in support of those values.
  • As a delegate at the previous county convention, I was able to participate in the removal of a government servant who was not doing the job correctly. At the same convention I was able to support other qualified candidates.
  • Every member of a party can be involved in the political process, provide input, cast votes through the caucus/convention system.
  • In a recent article in the Daily Herald, “Is the Utah Convention System Still Relevant,” the current politicians appear to be pushing to terminate the caucus/convention system.
    • The principal argument is that the results of the conventions do not match the results in the primaries. My answer to that is simple — the people attending caucuses and conventions are working harder than the average party member to learn about candidates and issues. They are not just depending on how many signs they see around town, or sometimes biased newspaper and other media information. They meet the candidates and study about them, and the issues.
    • The solution — work harder to get more party members to engage, study, and meet the candidates.

Clifford Rice, Spanish Fork


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