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Why is Gov Cox stealing your Farm Water?

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By Evan Johnson, JLC - Paid Sponsored Advertising Content | Jan 22, 2025

Farm family

Paid Sponsored Advertising Content – From Evan Johnson, JLC

For Salt Lake County votes traded with Utah’s Water Cartel run by Salt Lake City to steal farm water and reduce farm production. Few know Salt Lake City runs Sanpete’s water policies and the Division of Water Rights for votes.

All of Utah’s irrigated farms use 3.2% of Utah’s Water. All Cities use 1/2%. It’s Utah’s 7.6 billion trees using 80% of Utah’s water drying up Utah.

Gov Cox’s Watershed Malpractice and Forest negligence is setting Utah up for larger disasters than we are seeing in California and Hawaii. Burned out home owners get $770 in federal aid. According to the National Insurance Underwriters, Utah’s Watershed Malpractice is 4’Xs worse than California’s. Our wildfire burn risk is 39%, California’s is 10%.

A safe and healthy forest is 40 to 60 trees per acre – U.S. Forest Service. Our forests have 600+ trees per acre (10X’s the safe amount).

The Division of Water Rights enables Utah’s Water Cartel to weaponize water for money and power over people’s land and rights. You probably already know of farmers and land owners who are fighting to keep the water they own and that the Division of Water Rights in Cox’s Administration is taking farm water without compensation.

There is far more to this story. Utah’s indoor water requirements to build a home have not been updated in 44 years costing a rural family an extra $30,000 in water Red Tape. Gov Cox refuses to remove this $30,000 burden from rural families.

Gov Cox pays a farmer $6,000 an acre to buy his farm water to end farming on one acre, but pays a city resident $130,000 take out one acre of lawn. Drinking rain barrel water in Utah is illegal.

Utah is cutting water use 50%, but won’t cut water State staff 50%, because half the Water Rights are gone.

Who gets the “cut” water? The Federal gov’t which has applications filed to get 4.4 million acre-feet (1.4 Trillion gallons) for free. Gov Cox gives away State water to the Federal Gov’t, cuts farm water, sues the Federal Gov’t for more State control of Utah lands. What’s going on?

Let’s make a better Utah. Protect Utah’s Farmers, Families, and Our Water.

More Information can be found on Utahfarmers.org

Paid Sponsored Advertising Content – From Evan Johnson, JLC