<strong>NOTICE OF HIGHLAND CITY COUNCIL</strong><strong>PUBLIC HEARING</strong>Zoom Meeting InformationMeeting ID: 840 3555 9759Phone: (346) 248-7799The Highland City Council will hold a public hearing on May 4, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., or as ...
Notice is hereby given that Thomas Fuhriman has filed a Petition to the Sanpete County Commission to amend the Hawk Meadows Ranch Subdivision. 16.66 acres would be vacated out of Lot 4, leaving Lot 4 with 41.25 acres instead of 57.91 acres.Anyone objecting to the proposed plat change must file ...
Notice is hereby given that David Asay for and in behalf of Aspen Grove Assets has filed a Petition to the Sanpete County Commission to amend the Pine Creek Ranchos Subdivision and to Change the Name of the Subdivision. The name would be changed to Twin Oaks Subdivision.Lot lines would be ...
Moroni City will hold a Public Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, June 2, 2011, for the purpose of amending the 2010-11 Budget.At 6:30 p.m., a Public Meeting will be held for the purpose of adopting the 2011-12 Budget.Regular Moroni City Council meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m.All meetings will be ...
The State Engineer received the following Application(s) in Sanpete County (Locations in SLB&amp;M).For more information or to receive a copy of filings, visit http://waterrights.utah.gov or call 1-866-882-4426.Persons objecting to an application must file a CLEARLY READABLE protest ...