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Inside Sanpete

The smell test

A week or so ago, my wife read a funny meme thing from the internet to me. (I’m still getting used to using “meme” in my vocabulary. Can’t we just call it a quip or a joke?) It read something like, “When I miss my parents, I put 12 expired salad dressings in my fridge, and it feels ...

Where is Sanpete?

It’s been a few years ago, when I heard this talked about. It was reported that some Utah state officials were given a quiz. As I heard it, they were given maps with the 29 counties of Utah outlined, but without the counties named. The assignment was to identify the counties. I remember ...

In the swim of things

Late last Saturday night and Sunday, I felt more aches and pains in my muscles than usual. I didn’t have to think very hard to decide what the cause would be for feeling that way. The reason: I went swimming last Saturday. I don’t go swimming very often. It’s been months since I was in ...

Mrs. Brown’s Cat Has Kittens

When I was a schoolboy back in the olden days in Richfield, a couple of friends and I would occasionally make “newspapers.” We would sometimes do this when we were supposed to be listening to the teacher lecture. Or, sometimes we were supposed to be following along in our literature books ...

Books, socks and a parable

I often get a new book or two or three for Christmas each year. Books are great gifts, “in my book.” Socks are also a great gift, in my “you can’t have too many socks” philosophy of life. This past Christmas, I received two small books of poetry. I don’t remember receiving ...

Announcing Sanpete: The Nation

I’ve been observing the presidential political process. I’m sure many of you have too. It’s in our face, like it or not. Though very unofficial, and premature, it looks like we may again have Joe and Donald as candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties. I don’t really want to ...