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Fairview DUP dedicates restored monument

By Staff | Jun 18, 2015

FAIRVIEW– A large crowd gathered at Peterson Dance Hall June 12, to witness the unveiling and dedication of the restored Daughters of Utah Pioneer (DUP) monument #225, which marked the settlement of Fairview in 1859.

Monument Chairman Peggy Llewellen set the daunting goal of raising enough money to rebuild the marker out of oolite stone and lay a new foundation as well. Quilt raffles, bake sales, donations, including $500 from the Sanpete DUP Camp, led by Mae Thompson, and hundreds of hours of other work finally achieved the goal.  

Blake Madsen represented the “born and raised” descendents of those who settled Fairview; Kathy Brimhall, International DUP Marker Representative, amazed the group with the overview of over 200 markers throughout the world which lay claim to historical markers.  

International DUP President Maurine Smith, tickled the audience with humorous local stories as well as an uplifting message to learn from the past to go forward with confidence and faith.

Following the program, the assemblage moved outside to hear LDS North LDS Stake President Michael Ricks give the dedicatory prayer. The crowd enjoyed visiting and refreshments in the gazebo.


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