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World Folkfest brings performers from across the world to Springville

By Carlene Coombs - | Jul 30, 2024

Grant Hindsley, Daily Herald file photo

A Taiwanese dance group performs during the World Folkfest at the Spring Acre Arts Park in Springville on Wednesday, July 30, 2014.

The annual World Folkfest is happening this week in Springville and will feature performers and artists from several countries, including Ukraine and Taiwan. The festival will be held at Springville High School and runs through Saturday.

The festival will begin with a free “Parade of Nations” and dance party that will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday at University Place in Orem.

The remaining schedule will be in Springville and will be ticketed. Gates will open each night at 6 with pre-shows beginning at 6:45 p.m.

The main show, which will have performances from each of the visiting countries, will begin at 7:30 p.m. After performances, attendees will have the opportunity to meet with performers and take photos.

This year’s festival will feature performers from Ukraine, Colombia, Montenegro, Poland, Bulgaria, Austria and Taiwan. While in Utah, performers from out of the country are housed with host families nearby.

Each day will have specific activities, such as mat weaving or storytelling, and booths, food trucks and shopping also will be available.

The festival first began in 1986, according to its website, and has brought in performers from more than 45 countries. It is considered the longest-running folk dance festival in the western U.S.

Tickets can be purchased online at worldfolkfest.com, and single tickets start at $5. Tickets also can be bought at the door for an additional $1. A full schedule of events can be found on the same website.