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Pitts: Democrats should challenge Republicans to climb

She was just trying to defend herself. It seems a Republican "colleague" had slimed Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow in one of those ad hominem, free-of-facts, detached-from-reality, what-the-heck-are-you-even-talking-about attacks that have unfortunately become a staple of that ...

Charen: Tucker Carlson and the crisis of masculinity

Tucker Carlson's foray into testicle toasting is only the latest (and possibly most amusing) example of the right wing's masculinity obsession. The manliness theme keeps reappearing. Trump's strutting tough talk was imbibed greedily by fans eager for affirmation of the manly virtues. Trump and ...

Guest opinion: Time for you to go, Mike

He’s loyal, Mike Lee is. But the question is — to whom? Recently released text messages between Sen. Lee and Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows reveal that Sen. Lee was eager to push the envelope of ethics to overturn the presidential election results. After the election, Lee ...

Letter: Disappointed with omission of Jesus on Good Friday

I recently stopped by Provo Mall and went inside the Daily Herald office to state how much I enjoy your newspaper. My wife, daughter and I are from Orlando, Florida and I am a retired case manager, Pastor and was a Seminary professor. We are not LDS but I have been in three Wards in the Orlando ...

Letter: Disagree with opinion piece from April 9

The article "Democrats need to be better at their job, fast" by Mona Charen in the April 9th and 10th issue of your newspaper was written from the view of a Democratic supporter who opines that they need to improve at fulfilling the purpose for their jobs. But it did not present both sides of ...

Letter: Enjoy Utah Lake before making up minds on project

Utah residents concerned about the proposed Utah Lake restoration project – cleaning up lake pollution and building manmade islands covered with homes – might consider doing two things: First, do some online research: check the report from Brigham Young University about the ...