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Health and Wellness: Four spring safety tips for seniors

By Marisa Gooch - Special to the Daily Herald | Apr 19, 2023


With the abundance of snow Northern Utah has received, it’s safe to say most residents are ready for the warmer weather and blooming flowers. Spring — and the luscious green mountains that come with it — is just around the corner, waiting to be enjoyed. 

For elderly adults, there are a few precautions to consider each season as the weather changes. Here are four spring safety tips for seniors to follow this spring so they can enjoy the sunshine and warm weather to the fullest!

Use sun protection

What better way to enjoy spring than by taking a stroll outside or participating in gardening? Studies show that physical activity in green spaces can improve the health of elderly adults, including a decrease in depression, better moods and less stress.

While being outside is good for the soul, it’s crucial to follow safety sun protection tips, especially during the peak hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Don’t forget to wear at least 30 SPF sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat and other sun-protective clothing if necessary. When applying sunscreen, make sure to cover all exposed areas of your skin, including your face. Following these tips will ensure that you can enjoy the spring air safely! 

Stay hydrated

In addition to sun protection, elderly adults should monitor their water intake. Anthony Christensen, director of nursing at Horizon Ridge Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Henderson, NV, stresses the importance of drinking plenty of water during the warmer months.

“Our environment and activity levels greatly impact the amount of water we should drink,” said Christensen. “If the weather is hot, you will sweat more, which means you will need to intake higher levels of water than normal. Additionally, if you are doing any type of exercise indoors or outdoors that causes sweating, you’ll need to replenish the fluids you lose.”

Adults should drink eight glasses of water a day, but in warmer weather, this amount increases. Seniors should listen to their bodies and ensure they are getting enough fluids each day to prevent dehydration. 

Mitigate springtime allergies

New spring growth and blooms can spark allergies, making an unbearable season for elderly adults. Here are a few ways you can help mitigate your allergies this springtime:

  • Add indoor plants to your space to naturally purify your air. Some great options are the spider plant, the snake plant and aloe vera. 
  • Eat anti-inflammatory foods, such as wild salmon, spinach, walnuts and blueberries.
  • Monitor the pollen count and avoid going outside during the peak allergy season, especially on dry and windy days.

If you are following these tips and still suffering from itchy eyes and a runny nose, consult with your doctor. They can prescribe you an antihistamine, or you can experiment with a saline rinse to relieve your nasal congestion.

Spring clean to ensure your space is safe

Spring is the perfect time to clean your space and organize your belongings. Having clutter on your floor can put you at risk for falls and injuries, so it’s important to ensure you have clean and open pathways in your home.

While spring cleaning can seem overwhelming at first, breaking it down into steps can help you conquer the task. Here are a few ideas:

  • Clean one room at a time. Attempting to tackle everything at once could be less efficient than cleaning room by room. Pick a space in your home and start there. This could be your bedroom, the kitchen or the bathroom. Once a room is clean, move on to the next!
  • Let someone help you with the heavy lifting. In other words, don’t overdo it by trying to move heavy objects, as this could result in an injury. Call a trusted loved one to help or consider hiring a professional. 
  • Check your medicine cabinet: You may have an expired bottle of aspirin that is 10 years old — if that is you, throw it out! Taking expired medication can be dangerous. Review the expiration date of each medication during your spring cleaning frenzy to ensure your safety. 

By participating in spring cleaning, you can ensure your environment is safe!

As you say goodbye to the cold and hello to the springtime warmth, don’t forget to prioritize your health! Prepare for seasonal changes by using sun protection when enjoying the fresh air, staying hydrated during warmer days, managing your seasonal allergies and spring cleaning your space. Doing these simple but effective tasks will help ensure that you have a delightful and safe spring. 

Marisa Gooch is a project manager at Stage Marketing, a full-service content marketing agency based in Provo.


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