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Letter: Holly Sweeten is a thoughtful and personable candidate

In order to help my 94 year old mother become better informed about the current candidates, I phoned those that sent her their glossy campaign literature so I could give her my best recommendations. The highlight of my many calls was to Holly Sweeten. I asked her questions that required more ...

Letter: The Utah caucus/convention system gives me a say

I have lived in 3 states while of voting age — California, Colorado, and Utah. I also lived in the UK for 10 years. California had no caucus system. I felt disengaged from the political system — no access or input. My vote did not count, as I lived in the Central Valley, and the ...

Letter: Time for Congress to get something done, especially on China

It seems every time I open the news, I see more examples of Congress not doing its job and House members playing political theater instead of governing. It’s time for Congress to ditch petty politics and get stuff done. I’m appreciative that at least our representative from Northern Utah ...

Letter: Clancy to be commended for passing China resolution

I’d like to thank State Representative Tyler Clancy for successfully shepherding House Resolution 5 through the Utah House of Representatives. Young Republicans like me have for several years been zeroing on two key challenges: the pollution that undergirds the climate challenge and the ...

Letter: Yay for lawmakers protecting kids from illegal Chinese vapes

I commend our legislature for their courage in standing up against the scourge of illegal Chinese vapes that are flooding Utah's communities and threatening our children. Their support and passage of SB 133 and SB 61 this session represents progress in our state's public health and safety ...

Letter: Can Nikki Haley win Utah as a write-in? Let’s try

Having attended Nikki Haley's rally at UVU where every one of the hundreds in attendance there received a NIKKI HALEY window or yard sign at their seat and where they all heard her message, given without notes or a podium, I expected to see hundreds of NIKKI HALEY signs all around the ...