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Sanpete County Fair Mammoth Parade planned for Saturday, Aug. 26

By Staff | Aug 23, 2023

Matt and Brandi Reber will be honored as grand marshals of the Sanpete County Fair Mammoth Parade on Saturday, Aug. 26. Show is the Reber family.

The Sanpete County Fair Mammoth Parade, led by Matt and Brandi Reber as grand marshals and Scott Mower as the 2023 Sanpete County King Cowboy, will begin at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 26, and travel along Main Street in Manti. All are invited to attend.

Parade Grand Marshals Matt and Brandi Reber

Matt and Brandi Reber are “transplants” to Sanpete County. Matt was raised in Mesquite, Nevada, graduating from Virgin Valley High School and serving a mission to Seattle, Washington. Brandi was raised in Central Nevada and Northern Colorado, graduating from Lund High School. She attended Dixie College while living in Mesquite.

Matt and Brandi met while attending the same family ward. Their children were born while they lived in Mesquite, but as Mesquite grew, small-town life began calling them away from there.

The Rebers moved to Axtell in 2005 and have devoted time and energy to serving their community ever since. Matt has served in the Scouting program for over 30 years, and he has served on water boards and the Sanpete County Junior Livestock Committee. Brandi was involved in the GVES PTA, has been a 4-H leader since 2005 and has also served on the Junior Livestock Committee.

All four of their children have been involved in 4-H and FFA and have been raised working and helping at the fair in many capacities.

Matt and Brandi have been Sanpete County Fair Board members since 2015. They have worked with the amazing people that serve on the fair board to try to provide the residents of Sanpete County with a quality, family-friendly event for all to enjoy. They love the opportunity they have to build relationships with county members and see the communities come together for this annual event.

Matt works for Redmond Town and Brandi is the 4-H Youth Program Coordinator for the USU Extension in Sanpete County. They fill their spare time with helping the youth of Sanpete learn and enjoy the outdoors.

They have three daughters: Elli and Keaton Martin (grandson Thrasher) who live in Washington, Utah; Mallori and Jorge Mayorga, who live in Redmond; Laini and Kendall Edwards; who live in Axtell; and one son, Levi, who just returned home from serving the people of Liberia, West Africa.

Matt and Brandi will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary during the 2023 Sanpete County Fair. They invite you all to come celebrate with them at the fairgrounds!

2023 King Cowboy Scott Mower

2023 Sanpete County Fair King Cowboy Scott Mower

Scott Mower was raised in Fairview where he worked as the fifth generation on his family’s ranch. He worked alongside his father and grandfathers raising beef cattle and sheep and growing hay. He learned the values of hard work, sacrifice and stewardship over land and animals.

After serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in South Korea, he returned home and married Jackee Blackham, and together they had three children: AJ, Colby and Ashlee. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Phoenix. They settled on the Wasatch Front for several years and, while working for Geneva Steel, Scott spent weekends traveling to Sanpete County to assist in keeping the family’s ranching operation running smoothly.

In 1998, he returned with his family to Fairview where he took on running the ranch. During the last 26 years, he has diversified at various points to raise turkeys, provide winter housing for bees, farm small grains and undertake other endeavors.

Over the past two decades, Scott has represented Sanpete County in multiple capacities at the federal, state and local levels in the conservation district and on several water boards. His commitment to serving his community also extends to his service with Sanpete County Search and Rescue and on the Sanpete Valley hospital board, where he was the board president for several years.

He has also served in several religious leadership roles, including being a bishop at Snow College.

Scott is the embodiment of serving others, caring for land and animals and showing commitment to making the world a better place. He, and his ancestors before him, embody the true meaning of sustainability by working to keep the centennial ranch an example of innovation and best practices.

He continues to actively work and pass on the family ranch to the sixth and seventh generation.


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