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AmeriCorps Seniors can earn income while volunteering

By Staff | Mar 15, 2023

If you are 55 years or older and can spare some time you could qualify as a AmeriCorp Senior Companion.

If you are 55 years or older and can spare some time you could qualify as a AmeriCorp Senior Companion.

Senior Companions help the elderly by providing social support, respite for caregivers, help with daily activities and transportation to activities such as shopping or appointments.

Senior Companion volunteers are 55 years or older and help older adults improve their quality of life. Senior Companions receive benefits such as meal and mileage reimbursement and can earn $400 or more of tax free* monthly income that doesn’t affect their own senior benefits.

For more information on becoming a Senior Companion contact Maradee Peterson at (435) 893-0735 or by email at maradeep@sixcounty.com or contact Jill Fullmer at (435) 893-0748 or by email at jillfullmer@sixcounty.com

AmeriCorp Seniors also has opportunities for youth mentors who will work one-on-one with children in local schools who need a little assistance with reading and math or other skills.

As an AmeriCorp Senior working with kids you become a role model and friend to today’s youth, sharing wisdom and helping to shape the citizens of tomorrow.

AmeriCorp Seniors working with youth earn a stipend of about $200 a month* and transportation reimbursement. To be eligible you must be 55 years or older, commit to serve up to 15 hours weekly and be income eligible (earn less that $2,300 a month as a single or $3,000 a month as a married individual).

For more information about serving todays youth as an AmeriCorp Senior contact Maradee Peterson at (435)893-0735 or by email at maradeep@sixcounty.com.

*earned income does not affect your personal Social Security benefits, low income housing, HEAT, food stamps or other services you receive.