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Fairview Museum launches Bridging History project to preserve Sanpete County’s heritage

By Staff | Apr 24, 2024

The Fairview Museum of History and Art Heritage Building as it stands today.

The Fairview Museum of History and Art is embarking on an ambitious endeavor to bridge the past with the present through its new Bridging History Project. Spearheaded by Fairview resident Tim Bingham, this project aims to collect and preserve historical artifacts, oral histories, and digital archives from Sanpete County, enriching the cultural landscape and preserving the legacy of the Mormon pioneers.

The Bridging History Project is a call to action for Sanpete County residents to contribute to the preservation of their community’s rich heritage. The project seeks historical memorabilia, photographs, journals, and oral histories that offer insights into the region’s past. By digitizing these resources and creating an interactive exhibit, the project aims to make local history accessible to a broader audience while ensuring its preservation for future generations.

Tim Bingham, the visionary behind the Bridging History Project, emphasizes the importance of community involvement in preserving Sanpete County’s legacy. He invites residents to donate their stories, share historical photographs, and provide oral histories that have been passed down through generations. By documenting these narratives, the project aims to honor the resilience, courage, and faith of the Mormon pioneers who shaped the community’s history.

The Fairview Museum of History and Art serves as the cornerstone of the Bridging History Project, with its three buildings housing a wealth of historical artifacts and cultural treasures. The Heritage Building, originally an elementary school built in 1900, now hosts a diverse collection of art, artifacts, and dioramas that offer glimpses into the region’s past. The Horizon Building, constructed in 1995, showcases the intact Columbian Mammoth skeleton discovered near Fairview, along with local artwork and Native American exhibits.

The restoration of the Rawlinson City Hall Building, dating back to 1900, marks a significant milestone in the museum’s efforts to preserve local history. Thanks to a generous grant from the Fritz B. Burns Foundation, the historic structure has been restored and integrated into the museum, preserving its heritage for future generations. An open house for the renovated building is scheduled for July 24th, coinciding with the Pioneer Days Celebration Week from July 22-27, 2024.

As the Fairview Museum of History and Art continues its mission to preserve and celebrate Sanpete County’s heritage, the Bridging History Project represents a vital step towards ensuring that the stories of the past endure for generations to come. Residents are encouraged to support this initiative by contributing their own stories, photographs, and artifacts, thereby enriching the cultural tapestry of the community and bridging it to future generations. For more information about the Bridging History Project, contact Tim Bingham at (435) 314 6152 or tim@digisquatch.io.

The Fairview City Hall as it appeared in 1911. The Fairview Elementary School (now the Heritage Building) stands in the background.


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