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House passes Curtis bill to protect public lands

By Staff | May 8, 2024

Courtesy Daniel Pugmire

Former Gov. Gary Herbert and U.S. Rep. John Curtis chat prior to the opening of the 3rd Annual Growth and Prosperity Summit at Utah Valley University on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023.

WASHINGTON – In a significant victory for land conservation and the preservation of Utah’s natural heritage, the U.S House of Representatives has passed the Western Economic Security Today (WEST) Act. Spearheaded by Representative John Curtis (UT-03), the bill garnered bipartisan support and aims to safeguard public lands from recent regulatory changes that threaten traditional land uses.

The bill responds to concerns raised by Utahns regarding a recent rule finalized by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which was perceived to undermine the interests of local communities dependent on federal lands for various activities such as ranching, grazing, and recreation. Representative Curtis, a staunch advocate for Utah’s rural communities, emphasized the need to uphold the stewardship of lands that have been tended by generations of Utahns.

“It is critical that Utah’s land remains under the stewardship of those who have tended it for generations,” stated Rep. Curtis. “The recent BLM rule undermines the very essence of public lands by favoring wealthy individuals and environmental groups over the interests of all Utahns. I am pleased that the House voted in a bipartisan manner to pass my bill revoking its implementation.”

The WEST Act, championed by Congressman Curtis, seeks to reverse the detrimental effects of the BLM rule, which threatens multiple land uses vital to western communities. Recognizing the invaluable contributions of local stakeholders to land management and conservation efforts, the bill reinforces the principle of multiple-use management of federal lands.

Congressman Curtis’s tireless advocacy for America’s public lands has earned praise from colleagues and conservationists alike. House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) commended Curtis’s leadership in defending western lands, emphasizing the importance of reversing the BLM rule to protect the western way of life.

Similarly, Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) denounced the BLM rule as a direct assault on the Western Way of Life, highlighting the need to prevent the locking up of public lands from essential uses such as resource development, grazing, and recreation. Newhouse applauded Rep. Curtis’s efforts in overturning the rule, emphasizing the bipartisan consensus behind the WEST Act.

Before the bill’s passage, Representative Curtis addressed the House, underscoring the profound impact of the BLM rule on Utah’s farmers, ranchers, and rural communities. He emphasized the vital role of local land managers in maintaining the health and vitality of Utah’s landscapes, challenging the notion of centralized decision-making in Washington, D.C.

The WEST Act represents a pivotal step in preserving Utah’s natural heritage and ensuring the continued viability of traditional land uses. By revoking the BLM rule, the bill reaffirms the importance of collaborative land management practices that respect the diverse needs and interests of Utahns.

As the bill advances, stakeholders and advocates remain hopeful that it will receive the necessary support in the Senate and ultimately be signed into law. For updates on the progress of the WEST Act and other legislative developments, stay tuned to local news sources and congressional updates.

For more information about the WEST Act and Rep. John Curtis’s advocacy efforts, visit his official website or contact his office directly.


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