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Snow College, UVU join forces to expand access to elementary education degrees in Rural Utah

By Staff | May 15, 2024

Utah Valley University and Snow College sign a articulation agreement on the Snow College campus in Ephraim, Utah on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. (Jay Drowns, UVU Marketing)

EPHRAIM – Snow College and Utah Valley University have unveiled an innovative collaboration aimed at bolstering educational opportunities for aspiring educators in rural Utah. The newly established partnership introduces the “2+2 Education Model,” providing Snow College students the chance to earn a UVU bachelor’s degree in elementary education without having to leave the campus in Ephraim.

The 2+2 Education Model, a pioneering initiative in addressing the teacher shortage prevalent in rural Utah, offers a seamless pathway for students to obtain a four-year degree. Under this program, Snow College students who complete an associate degree or 60 credits in elementary education are guaranteed acceptance into UVU’s School of Education. They can then proceed to pursue their third and fourth years of study either at the Snow College campus or at UVU’s Orem campus.

“This agreement underscores the collaborative spirit within Utah’s System of Higher Education (USHE) and its commitment to student success,” remarked Michael Austin, provost at Snow College. “By breaking down barriers to education, we empower students to achieve their academic goals while remaining in their local communities.”

Commencing in the fall semester of 2024, a select group of students will embark on their educational journey through this groundbreaking program. UVU faculty will conduct classes at Snow College several times a week, supplemented by local adjunct instructors. Notably, UVU’s elementary education cohorts typically comprise no more than 25 students, ensuring personalized attention and support.

Kristen Weller, a Snow College graduate enrolled in the Ephraim-based UVU classes, expressed her enthusiasm for the program, stating, “This program is tailor-made for me! I can continue working part-time at the elementary school while pursuing my dream degree. The afternoon/evening classes offer the flexibility I need.”

Snow College graduates like Weller who enroll in the fall 2024 cohort in Ephraim will be eligible for UVU scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 per semester during the program’s first year. Moreover, students holding Snow College presidential scholarships will receive additional scholarship awards from UVU for their third and fourth years.

Students without a presidential scholarship can explore various scholarship opportunities at UVU, including the Continuing Student, First-Generation, Transferring Student, Greenlight, Reach, and Returning Wolverine scholarships, among others.

In a bid to streamline the transfer process, UVU has implemented automatic admission for all Snow College graduates, including elementary education majors. Enhanced scholarship offerings are available to high-achieving students upon completing their two years at Snow.

“The collaboration between Snow College and UVU underscores the transformative potential of partnerships in higher education,” remarked Wayne Vaught, provost and senior vice president at UVU. “By expanding access to quality education, this program not only addresses the teacher shortage but also fosters community development in rural Utah.”

Beyond addressing the teacher shortage, the 2+2 Education Model presents an opportunity for paraprofessionals lacking the requisite educational credentials to become certified elementary school teachers. This program is particularly beneficial for individuals already employed full-time who cannot relocate to pursue a bachelor’s degree at a traditional four-year university.

For more information about the 2+2 Education Model and the opportunities it offers, interested individuals can visit https://www.uvu.edu/education/app.html.

About Snow College

Founded in 1888 by Utah pioneers, Snow College is a two-year institution with campuses in Ephraim and Richfield, Utah, along with a learning center in Nephi, Utah. Renowned for its student success rates, affordability, involvement opportunities, and exceptional teaching, Snow College serves over 5,000 students and offers a wide range of online courses. To learn more about Snow College, visit snow.edu.

About Utah Valley University

At Utah Valley University, accessibility, affordability, and flexibility are the cornerstones of high-quality education. Offering a spectrum of programs from certificates to master’s degrees, UVU empowers students to succeed by providing real-world experience and career-ready skills. With a commitment to inclusivity, UVU invites individuals to come as they are and leave prepared to make a difference in the world. For more information, visit uvu.edu or follow UVU on Instagram or Facebook.


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