Regarding Ben Shapiro's "The power of victory," I am left scratching my head. Is Shapiro so enamored of military force (and so steeped in Hollywood war movies) that he mistakes explosions and killing for victory? I am reminded of the false celebrations after the US took Iraq in 2003. But this ...
In the middle of the Nineteen hundreds I began to vote in the Presidential elections. Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, along with the Communist Menace were the hot topics of the day.
Mr. Mellon’s opinion, published on Sept. 28-29, is correct, at least when he says that the Gadiantons are ...
Concerning Matthew Mellen’s opinion piece in the Daily Herald, the opinion was totally out in left field and exactly juxtaposed in reference to the Republican Party being infiltrated by the Deep State Gadiantion Robbers.
It is the Democratic Party that has weaponized its current judicial ...
The Utah attorney general’s office has faced a couple of tumultuous decades, characterized by questionable judgment, partisan politics, and at times, scandal. We need to restore confidence in the office, and United Utah Party (UUP) candidate Michelle Quist is uniquely positioned to do that. ...
Amendment D would give the state legislature unlimited power to override any citizen initiative, and the reasons some legislators are giving for supporting it are flawed and misleading.
One of the arguments used by supporters is it will “restore” the power the legislature had before the ...
I remember watching BYU playing football against Wyoming in 1962. I was at the old football field sitting on the west side when BYU's quarterback, Eldon Fortie, "the Phantom" came into the game injured with his shoulder taped up and scored to lead BYU to win the game. On Thanksgiving weekend in ...