I own a cell phone, but not a smartphone — it's a fliptop. I noticed at family gatherings this past holiday season that nobody but me was actually looking up and engaging in face-to-face conversations. In other words, I wound up talking to myself. Hence, the following (with apologies to ...
I live in Curt Bramble's former Senate district.
Curt is one of the most corrupt lawmakers in Utah history. His hubris and ego are legion.
Curt, along with fellow corrupt elitist Republican lawmakers and bad governors that included Leavitt, Huntsman, Herbert and Cox, did maximum damage to ...
My name is Tucker Smith, and I’ve taught at Timpanogos High School for 6 years. I grew up in Orem, and I currently live in Orem, close to Timpanogos High School. Like many, I am worried about the upcoming Alpine District split and what that will mean for education in Orem, Pleasant Grove, ...
Egos are running amok with our state representatives wanting to abolish or make it near-impossible to keep unions and/or associations. They do not know what is best for teachers and students with no experience or training! I am a public educator and have been for over 23 years. My association ...
When it comes to paying tribute to Vietnam veterans in Utah, one group remains relatively marginalized. This group is known as Agent Orange veterans.
These veterans were exposed to a toxic herbicide called Agent Orange that was used in Vietnam to remove tree leaves and other foliage that ...
Modern social media has given everyday citizens a powerful platform to voice their concerns and highlight community injustices. Today, I want to raise awareness about an issue that feels both unfair and exploitative: the high cost of youth sports.
Recently, my family attended the Manti Holiday ...