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Their Voice: Autism Conference at UVU announced keynote speaker

March seems like a long time from now but it is close enough to share the announcement of the 11th annual Autism Conference at Utah Valley University coming in March 2022. Currently the Melissa Nellesen Autism Center is planning for an in person event after two years of virtual meetings. The ...

Daily grind leaves little left over for holidays

Don and Jamie are doing everything they can to make ends meet. They both work, but Don is in landscaping and with the season over, they are functionally living on one wage. Due to this, it has become hard to pay for anything outside of the essentials. They hope that Sub for Santa helps ...

Health & Wellness: 7 kid- and senior-friendly ways to stay active this winter

It’s freezing outside, the roads are icy and all many of us want to do is hibernate for the next three months. But staying active can do so much for your health, especially if the dark mornings and evenings leave you feeling down. If you usually like to head to the park or gym but want to ...

Family trying to get lives in order, get back on feet

Becki, Brandon and their children have suffered some significant challenges during the past year due to allowing someone into their home and into their lives. Because of the challenges, Christmastime, normally happy and festive, is proving to be difficult and challenging. “We let someone ...

Time unemployed left mom behind on holiday funds

With a tight-knit family, Janice is making things work. The single mom doesn’t have a large support circle — but she’s doing everything in her power to stay positive. She works full time but was laid off in September, and it caused the bills to pile up until finding work again. In ...