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Letter: Where are Wilson’s ‘Utah values’ in action?

Republican Speaker of the House Brad Wilson is thinking about running against Mitt Romney for Senator in 2024. (SLTrib, 4-14-23) Wilson mentions he would bring Utah values of hard work, sacrifice, personal responsibility, and collaboration. Collaboration? That is the opposite of what Utah ...

Letter: In agreement with May 4 opinion article

Why should the people of the U.S. let these bureaucrats control us with their behind closed doors to fast-track legislation through Congress cutting Medicare and Social Security programs — that millions of Americans have paid into these programs their whole life through their deductions on ...

Letter: Grateful for tech tools that aid my small business

We pride ourselves on our scrappy small business community and tech-savvy entrepreneurs here in Utah. Small business owners like me need to think outside of the box in order to thrive — but we need tools to implement our innovative ideas. Luckily, we have access to free or affordable digital ...

Letter: On Harlan Crowe and the Supreme Court’s legitimacy

Harlan Crowe is right about nothing amiss in his relationship with a Supreme Court justice, if we throw the history of democracy out the window. The politically privileged aristocracy in England openly hob-nobbed with high level government officials all the time. In fact, they often got ...

Letter: Language matters — precise words make a point

It's a losing battle, I know, but here goes. A few months ago I wrote complaining of the misuse of the word "countless." As an example, I referred to guest opinionist Keith Burns use of that adjective in describing "dozens" of interviews he had conducted. I guess he didn't get the memo. Once ...

Letter: The realities of my ‘tomboy’ years

As a child decades ago, I began to resent being a girl and wished with all my heart that I could be a boy, so I became a “tomboy” for a few years. We wore dresses to school, but afterwards, I changed into pants to climb trees, build forts, chase away neighbor bullies, ride my bicycle ...