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Utah research uses AI to find biological factors that pose risk to pregnancy

With the help of artificial intelligence, researchers at University of Utah Health have discovered previously unidentified combinations of risk factors linked to serious pregnancy outcomes, including stillbirth. Dr. Nathan Blue, senior author of the study and assistant professor of maternal ...

Physicians preach protection from frostbite during icy temperatures

Frigid temperatures are here, and that means a higher risk for cold-related problems — especially frostbite. On Friday, physicians who work in the burn center at University of Utah Health warned Utahns about the seriousness of frostbite, how to avoid it or treat it, and when to seek medical ...

Strokes in younger people on the rise, medical professionals report

The number of young people having strokes has been increasing, and the trend is very concerning to health care workers. “In my experience, we have been treating more young adults with strokes in recent years,” said Dr. Tiffany Brown, stroke medical director at Intermountain McKay-Dee ...

U of U Health to participate in pain management trial

Researchers at University of Utah Health will participate in a trial to see whether fentanyl or ketamine, administered by emergency medical service providers on the scene, is more successful in relieving pain in trauma patients before arriving at the hospital. The Prehospital Analgesia ...